A binder or binding agent is any material or substance that holds or draws other materials together to form a cohesive whole mechanically, chemically, by adhesion or cohesion. In a more narrow sense, binders are liquid or dough-like substances that harden by a chemical or physical process and bind fibres, filler powder and other particles added into it.
Ring binders (loose leaf binders, looseleaf binders, or sometimes called files in Britain) are large folders that contain file folders or hole punched papers. These binders come in various sizes and can accommodate an array of paper sizes.
These are held in the binder by circular or D-shaped retainers, onto which the contents are threaded. Når ein binders vert klemt over ein høveleg papirbunke, får ståltråden ein vridning, og torsjonskrefter vil klemme papiret saman. Verdens årsproduksjonen skal jeg også gi et anslag på – hentet fra Biografisk Leksikons artikkel om Vaaler.
Men fordelingen på land er en oppgave for andre med bedre tid. En bokbinder er en håndverker som binder bøker, det vil si samler de løse sidene fra boktrykkeren og binder disse sammen med tråd eller limer dem sammen.
Alle slike former for mishagsytringer ble forbudt så snart man ble klar over dem. Ble man tatt med binders i jakkeslaget medførte det normalt arrestasjon og bøter. A binder clip is a strip of spring steel bent into the shape of an isosceles triangle with loops at the apex.
Tension along the base of the triangle forces the two sides close and the loops prevent the sharp steel edges from cutting into the paper. Someone who binds Someone who binds books, bookbinder. A cover or holder for unbound papers, pages etc. Something that is used to bind things together, often referring to the mechanism that accomplishes this for a book.
A software mechanism that performs binding. Norwegian Bokmål) “ binders ” in Det Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB). Binding refers to a variety of methods that a person can use to flatten their breast tissue.
Usually, this means wearing an undergarment called a binder. Binding involves risk of permanent change to the breasts and injury to other parts of the body, so this article will focus on how to mitigate those risks. Tech Fenrier Stand out with these high tech binders! Bookbinding in medieval China replaced traditional Chinese writing supports such as bamboo and wooden slips, as well as silk and paper scrolls.
Binder was an Imperial Interdictor-class Star Destroyer given to the command of Admiral Delak Krennel by Ysanne Isard for use in the evacuation of Ciutric. Its captain was Phulik.
Binder albo spłaszczak – rodzaj bielizny wykonanej z obcisłych materiałów, służącej do spłaszczania (bindowania) piersi. Specjalnie skonstruowane bindery są często robione ze spandeksu lub innego włókna syntetycznego, ale do bindowania używane są czasem też pasy tkaniny, taśmy kinezjologiczne, bandaże i koszule założone warstwowo od ciasnych do luźnych.
Som vi alle vet, er universet er bygget på de fire elementer: Gaffa-teip, dopapir, binders og Internett (ref MacGyver-Loven ¶2). In the game, the binders are simply blocks located throughout the facility and cannot actually be use however are usually located next to a handful of documents, one of which may be able to be actually picked up and read. They are either red or grey. Binder, labeled The Smart One,is a male contestant on Object Havoc.
Binder competes in the show’s Character Voting Tournament. Platform Pandemonium 1. Han er mest kjent som medskaper av Supergirl og for sine mange manus til Captain Marvel Adventures og andre historier som involverer hele superhelten Marvel Family. The Binder can only make a pact with creature he can bind. Get a three ring binder.
Choose a size that is best for you. Do whatever works best for you. Either method is fine. The following rules generally apply for events that allow the use of binders.
Binders can be inch, inch, inch, or inch. All papers must be secured in the binder, and typically must be hole-punched. Event supervisors may shake the binder or open it to inspect the binder.
There are exceptions to this – some events like Circuit Lab and Machines allow materials to be removed from the binder. En selvbinder er et gammelt redskap for høsting av korn.
I utgangspunktet var det et hesteredskap, men ble etterhvert også brukt på traktor. Selvbinderen virket som en vanlig knivslåmaskin som kuttet stråene, men hadde i tillegg et sinnrikt system som automatisk bandt sammen kornet til kornbånd.
The binder, or reaper- binder, was a farm implement that improved upon the reaper. In addition to cutting the small-grain crop, it would also tie the stems into small bundles, or sheaves.
More details on how to get the binders can be found in Botany and Hunting section of thea. Salt, the blood and bile of certain creatures, and select essences and saps of plants and trees can be used to cohere potions and other substances.
Binder scholars know a different story—that Dahlver-Nar was a powerful cleric who forsook his deity to pursue the power of pact magic. The fabled teeth of Dahlver-Nar, to which all the legends attribute miraculous powers, were neither his own nor those of the dragon he battled.