Bekreftelsen kommer med en gang. Cactus ficus-indica L. Most culinary references to the "prickly pear" are referring to this species. Common English names for the plant and its fruit are Indian fig opuntia, Barbary fig, cactus pear, prickly pear, and spineless cactus, among many.
Opuntia decumana Haw. They have developed a number of adaptations to dry conditions, notably succulence. It has a water-repellent and sun-reflecting waxy epidermis. Cladodes that are 1–years old.
The fruits are commercialized in many parts of the worl eaten raw, and have one of the highest concentrations of vitamin C of any fruit. The “leaves” are cooked and eaten as a vegetable known as nopalitos. See full list on en.

The cattle industry of the Southwest United States has begun to cultivate O. The cactus is grown both as a feed source and a boundary fence. Cattle are fed the spineless variety of the cactus. Under those hedges and adjacent areas soil physical properties, nitrogen and organic matter are considerably improved.
A commercial use for O. Areas with significant tuna-growing cultivation include Mexico, the Mediterranean Basin, Middle East and northern Africa. The plant is considered an invasive species in northern Africa. Factors that limit the growth of prickly pear are rainfall, soil, atmospheric humidity and temperature.
The minimum rainfall requirement is 200mm per year as long as the soils are sandy and deep. The small spines on the fruits are removed by rubbing them on an abrasive surface or sweeping them through grass. Before consumption, they are peeled.
The seeds contain 3–10% of protein and 6–13% of fatty acids, mainly linoleic acid. As the fruit contains vitamin C, it was once used to mitigate scurvy.
The red color of the fruit and juice is due to betalains. Dette gjelder særlig i Middelhavsområdet, hvor plantene raskt har spredt seg utover fra de stedene hvor de opprinnelig ble dyrket, og vokser nå ofte i store mengder på tørre og steinete steder. OPUNTIA VULGARIS signs and symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from the Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare Homeopathic Remedies by Oscar Hansen.

Find out the indications for the use of homeopathy medicine OPUNTIA VULGARIS. Deze cactussen worden in het Nederlands schijfcactus of vijg(en)cactus genoemd. In het groeiseizoen worden nieuwe schijven gevormd die vaak voorzien zijn van rudimentaire bladeren. Deze vijgcactus kan het beste als kuipplant gehouden worden, indien deze in de volle grond gehouden wordt dan moet deze droog staan en bij temperaturen onder de -8ºC bij verwarmt worden.
Wyróżnia się płaskimi pędami o niezwykle płaskich pędach, które pokryte są w niektórych miejscach 1cm kolcami. W trakcie kwitnienia wypuszcza niebywale oryginalne duże kwiaty. Jest rośliną praktycznie bezobsługową.
Je kunt spreken over een ware ‘cactus-trend’ in de Nederlandse woonkamers. Mycket lättskötta kaktusar med spännande former. Trivs bäst i soligt fönster året om. Exposure: Full sun.
Bloom time: June-July. Color: Blue-gray pads turn purple in winter, yellow flowers followed by purple fruit. Drooping Prickly Pear, Drooping Tree Pear, Cochineal Prickly Pear, Spreading Prickly Pear, Barbary Fig.
Scientific Classification. Der Boden sollte trocken, locker und eher mager sein.
Drooping prickly pear, Barbary fig, cochineal prickly pear, common prickly pear, drooping pear, drooping tree pear, smooth tree pear, smooth-leaf tree pear, spiny prickly pear, spreading prickly pear. Da solltest du eigentlich viele Informationen finden.
Die Pflanzen sind nicht winterhart, vertragen aber kurzzeitig ein wenig Frost bis ca. Im Winter möglichst frostfrei halten ist ausreichend. Die Früchte sind essbar und werden als Kaktusfeigen verkauft, manchmal auch im Supermarkt.

The OTC potency range of OPUNTIA VULGARIS is 2x–30x, 1c–30c, 200c, 1m, 10m, 50m, and CM. Availability is subject to change. You will recognize most by their classic prickly pear appearance. Learn more about the plants in this article.
Das Artepitheton ficus-indica bedeutet indische Feige. Die oft als Kaktusfeigen bezeichneten Früchte und die jungen Triebe sind essbar und gehören zur mexikanischen Standardküche.
E’ una pianta sempreverde con rami costituiti da pale, a forma piatta di colore verde chiaro.