Get Sd Storage Card. A pop menu will appear from that select SD card to move the app to the external storage. As you can see now, the app is transferring from internal storage to SD card.
Go to device “Settings”, then select “Storage”. Select your "SD Card", then tap the “three-dot menu“ (top-right), now select “Settings” from in there. Your SD Card will now be formatted. After choosing SD Card as your default storage location the device will ask for a restart.

After that any media files, videos, images, documents and back up data will directly stored in the external SD card. Features and Specs include a 5. Find Instant Quality Info Now!
I have the same problem on my J5. Samsung Galaxy JInternal Storage 1. Other files are taking up 15GB! This is ridiulous, its 80% of internal storage. It cant be just OS reserve!
I cant delete unused apps. My internal storage is not used for anything and its over 85% full. I use my SD card for storage. This allpws you to store some apps on the sd card.
Go to Apps, select an individual app and select it. Now select the Storage. I believe it is the restrictions on some apps that do not allow app transfer to SD. Adoptable SD Card is an Android feature that allows an external SD card to be used as internal storage.
Super Performance Operating system of Android 5. The Only way to expand the storage of a device,is through using an MicroSD Card. We can add the storage of SD card and merge it with our onboard storage.
Move apps to memory card. Android Marshmallow (not pre-installed with Android Marshmallow) and 2). SD card was installed and used before the update, you should format the SD card once after updating. That just lost you bytes of internal storage for that one chunk.
Multiply it by 0chunks and moving the app to the SD card loses 1k if free internal space. And that would be a small app.
I recently upgraded to 6. Marshmallow on my Galaxy Sand I would like to adopt an SD card as internal storage. However, there is no option to do this. SD cards are definitely the best and most handy option to store important data.
Before choosing your memory card, you first need to understand the device’s capabilities. So to help you out, we.

How to turn the "External" SD card into "Internal" storage on "Marshmallow" a. NOTE: Please be sure you start with a blank SD card. It needs to be blank because when the card is converted to "Internal" storage, it will be formatted (wiped) and encoded (making the cards data only readable by that device).
Even 2GB internal storage is not enough for some people that’s why they prefer to store their data in SD cards. You can go to each individual app and move to SD card, if the option is available for that most. Most apps, but not all, can be moved to SD card storage.
Yes, there is an option where you can move apps from internal storage to SD card. Ik weet dat ik moet klikken op bestanden en dan kiezen voor afbeeldingen normaal gezien zou ik dan rechts bovenaan puntjes moeten krijgen waar ik dan kan kiezen voor kopiëren maar die mogelijkheid krijg ik niet. On some devices, you will see the same option as storage and USB so don’t be confused just click on it.
This then shows the Internal Storage, and below shows " SD Card Unmounted" under external storage. But before to continue, I want to tell you, why should you set micro SD card as default storage instead of internal storage. There are no updates pending.

To Increase The Device.