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Direkt zu dir nach Hause! Aktuelle Top-Angebote entdecken. Zum neuen Flugblatt! Outdoor-Erlebnis brauchst! Movement ALP TRACKS 1LTD. See full list on friluftslek. Th e 1is a great. Its weight, dimensions, and. Testlaget er litt delt i oppfattelsen av denne skia, men likevel inspirerer Alp Tracks 1til å dra på, og de fungerer upåklagelig i de fleste forhold. Og disse skiene blir bare bedre og bedre.
Selv om de veier under 3kg, blir de av mange definert som blant de skiene med mest balanserte kjøreegenskaper som fungerer på alle slags forhold. The ALP TRACKS range is one of our biggest challenges which allow us to differentiate from competitors in the market. This exceptional line is the result of a precise hand-made construction. Thanks to our production methods, the ALP TRACKS offer reliability and a widened practice of ski touring.

The new version of the famous ALP TRACKS is distinguished by a completely revised construction. The allocation of two new types of unidirectional and biaxial carbon fabrics have made this ski even more manoeuvrable and more stable despite its featherweight. Extrem Fusion 1Carbon. Finn tilbud fra butikker, og les anmeldelser på Prisjakt.

We wanted to redefine our mountain line and we did it with the new ALP TRACKS range. The line expands with a new model of ALP TRACKS, the result of precise HAND MADE construction in a limited production run. Staying on track with our construction, a combination of high density carbon fibers. Here is the Alp Tracks 1, a handmade ski – a concentration of our market-leading technologies.
Carefully chosen Karuba Light wood core, carbon fibers, and light cap ABS sidewall make up the Alp Tracks 100. The Alp Tracks range is a real triumph. It redefines the concept of touring thanks to the new technology and materials that are used.
Flytegenskapene er ikke 1prosent, men ellers beskrives skiene som fartsstabile, pålitelige og de inspirerer til å dra på gjennom all slags snø. Formen på skiene tillater og oppfordrer. La nouvelle version du fameux ALP TRACKS se différencie par une construction totalement revisitée.
L’attribution de deux nouveaux types de tissus carbone unidirectionnels et biaxiaux ont permis de rendre ce ski encore plus maniable et plus stable malgré un poids plume. MOVEMENT ALP TRACKS 1, Dynafit ST rotation, black dimond feller. Ce ski de free-rando exclusif est produit en série limitée intégrant les derniers procédés de fabrication mis au point par notre équipe RD.

Camber type: Camber. Mohair has natural glide and enough density for durability. Rocker type: Double Rocker. Easy-to-peel yet reliably sticky glue means no-fuss skiing.
The sleek black kicks are a solid ski touring boot that will get you up and down the mountains quickly. The ski is designed for those longer, steeper, and faster missions. Selv om de veier 4kg, blir de av mange definert som blant de skiene med mest balanserte kjøreegenskaper som fungerer på alle slags forhold. Karbon: Zusätzlich der Karbon 5-Axis werden bei der ALP TRACKS Familie die oberste und unterste Schicht mit 1% Karbon ersetzt.
Die Blockierung der Torsionsbox wird dadurch optimiert und garantiert eine einfache Kurvenauslösung sowie ein unglaublicher Griff auf hartem Untergrund. Mit ihrer Alp Tracks Serie haben sie diesen Bereich nämlich neu definiert. Das Besondere an dieser Serie ist, dass sie manuell gefertigt wird und daher auch nur in limitierter Auflage erhältlich ist. C’est un éco-système ouvert de skieurs de randonnée “puristes”, de free.
Gewichtsverringerung ist ebenfalls spürbar. The fattest member of the brand’s backcountry-oriented Alp Track family provides enough quality engineering and solid construction features to make a good impression on any skier. Thanks to a precise carbon hand-made construction, the ALP TRACKS offers high-level performance and a wider practice of ski touring.
Dedicated to the most passionate mountain and professional skier, these high performance skis are created with the best of the best materials. Im unverspurten Schnee schwimmt der Ski recht ordentlich auf.