Den er den eneste arten i slekten Premnas. Premnas biaculeatus er en art i gruppen klovnefisker. Hunnen er vanligvis større enn hannen, og mørk rød. Hannen har en klarere rødfarge.
The most important aspect of spinecheek anemonefish habitat is the host anemone. Oviparous, distinct pairing during breeding (Ref. 2).

General Husbandry:Generally available in the trade and quite hardy, having an overall reddish body with three vertical white bands, one on the hea one mid body and the third on the base of the tail. Another color form exists, that of a deep red or brownish body with yellowish bands, sometimes called the Goldstripe Maroon Clownfish. Tropical Indo-Pacific. Bright orange to muddy brown with light bars.

Sjekk uttalen, synonymer og grammatikk. Obligate mutualism was thought to be the key innovation that allowed anemonefish to radiate rapidly, with rapid and convergent morphological changes correlated with the ecological niches offered by the host anemones. Large spine protruding rearwards across cheek from behind eye to 1st light bar. Also referred to as the SGI (Species generalisation index), this describes the habitat niche breadth of the species.
License: CC BY Attribution-ShareAlike. Summary: A bright red to brownish anemonefish with three narrow white to greyish bars on the head and body, and a large spine on the gill cover. It is commonly known as the Maroon Clownfish. The Spinecheek Clown Fish can be found on tropical reefs in the indo-West Pacific at a depth of 1-16m 3. Mating can happen all.
A pairing of a known fertile female with a small gold stripe maroon. They come in a few colour variations, the bands can for example be both white and yellow. This species can be very aggressive and becomes fairly large, therefore one should be cautious when keeping this type of Clownfish. Download all free or royalty-free photos and vectors.
Use them in commercial designs under lifetime, perpetual. The image used above is for illustration purposes only.
Please click here to see the fish profile explaining the keeping and breeding conditions for this species. We combine the shipping cost if you order more goods from us. Gangga – Canon DIGITAL IXUS 7Uploaded by robertbaur.
Il faut tenir compte que P. Find out more about our work with this fish here. This is a fish best kept singly or in pairs with a dramatic size difference between the individuals.
Kjøp nå Legg i handlekurv. Standard grade Lightning Maroon Clownfish generally have less than 50% white coverage, no connected bars, and may show little in the way of patterning at a young age. See Maroon clownfish on.

Feeding maroon clownfish. The Maroon clownfish is just like most other clownfish easy to feed and will accept most foods. Maroon Clownfish typically reach about inches in length and can be comfortably housed in aquariums gallon or larger.
They originate from tropical coral reefs, thus will require live rock or other aqua-scaping to provide them with adequate caves and crevices to retreat to when they feel threatened. Deutsche Nachzucht! Wir empfehlen diese Tiere immer als Paar zuhalten. Es empfiehlt sich auch die Tiere mit einer Wirtsanemone zusammen zu halten, so zeigen sie ihr natürliches Verhalten am besten und sind auch gegen Krankheiten (Hautprobleme) am besten geschützt.
La diminuzione di spessore delle fasce scure e la progressiva sparizione delle tonalità nerastre nelle pinne sono direttamente proporzionali al livello di crescita dei pesci. The fins of the Maroon Clown are round in shape and flow seamlessly off of the body. This species also has a spine that eminates from both cheeks, thus they are often referred to as Spine-cheek Clownfish as well.
Solomon Islands country information. Common names: Iga ni bubula, Spine-cheek anemonefish Occurrence. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.
Courtesy of the author Jordan Noe, Director of Sales, Oceans Reefs and. Gratis bilde og bilder. Distribuzione e habitat.
Questa specie è diffusa nell’Indo-Pacifico orientale, nelle acque costiere dall’India all’Australia orientale.