Revitive LV – Muskelstimulerende leggtrener. Kliniske studier har bevist at elektrisk muskelstimulering øker blodsirkulasjonen, reduserer hovne ben, lindrer ubehag og styrker musklene i legger og føtter.
Apparatet forebygger i tillegg åreknuter og gir sunne og pene legger. It is a drug-free and non-invasive solution to improve leg circulation.
If you are sitting or standing for long periods, even just one session may help. When you have a busy lifestyle, whether you are sedentary or on your feet all day, the result can be achy, tired, heavy feeling legs. This well designe pink and white unit looks very feminine and is primarily marketed at women.
The device is as simple to use as a standard foot massager or footbath, and it delivers greatin only half. See full list on pedireviews. You just plug the device in, sit in a comfortable position and place your feet on the rubber foot rests.
You can adjust the intensity level of the electrical impulses by using the “plus” and “minus” buttons. These are large and easy to see as well as being very easy to use. In fact, you can operate them with your toes!

The LV offers eight wave form options and intensity levels from to 50. You should choose the level at which you can see your leg muscles con. One power adapter 3. Saves money on trips to the physiotherapist.
Design – the device is well-made, sturdy and very nice looking. Easy to use – it is easy to use and effective. It has been proven in studies to be effective and safe when used as directed to help healthy people improve lower leg circulation, alleviate discomfort and decrease swelling in the ankles and feet. There’s a bit of a learning curve!
Different people have different levels of tolerance for the electrical impulses. Be sure to experiment with the settings to find just the right level to suit you.

Especially for those who are on their feet all day or who suffer poor circulation due to a sedentary lifestyle. If you haven’t had a circulation booster before, you may want to start with the LV model which is affor.
If the control panel Electrode Body Pads that can be used to deliver electrical stimulation to is still illuminate press the power button and turn the back, shoulders, thighs, knees or arms. Soulage la sensation de jambes fatiguées, lourdes et douloureuses.
Aide à maintenir la bonne santé des veines des jambes. Alle rettigheter reservert. Elektronisk muskelstimulering (EMS): Enheten stimulerer leggmuskulaturen for å gi økt blodsirkulasjon.
Denne typen teknologi har blitt brukt i fysikalsk behandling i over år, er medisinsk godkjent og helt trygg å bruke. Den skal brukes sittende og markerer tydelig hvor du skal plassere bena. Det er også ofte stilte spørsmål, en produktbedømmelse og tilbakemeldinger fra brukere som hjelper deg til å bruke ditt produkt på en optimal måte.
Føttene plasseres oppå og den skrus på. Milde, elektriske impulser stimulerer leggmusklene og blod pumpes ned i føttene. Reduces symptoms from poor circulation. Maintain daily leg health.
Improve leg strength. Nyskick – originalförpackning saknas. Als u de hele dag staat of gedurende lange periodes stil zit, is dat belastend voor uw benen en voeten.
This reduces the swelling in feet and ankles and alleviates that unpleasant feeling in your legs. REVITIVE Medic User Manual Follow. Skriv en anmeldelse. Lagre dette produktet til en liste.
Het is ontworpen om verlichting te bieden bij een incidenteel zwaar en ongemakkelijk gevoel in de benen en voeten. Etter hektiske dager på farten opplever mange at bena er slitne, hovne og verkende. Press the cover onto the back of the remote to close it. If in doubt, consult your doctor before using the product.
Il a fait l’objet de recherches cliniques qui ont démontré que son utilisation réactive la circulation dans les jambes sans médication, en faisant appel à la technologie EMS.