Noteworthy Characteristics. An overlooked gem for baskets and rockeries, once you. Cymbalaria murális -murtorskemunn. It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender.

It is in flower from May to September, and the seeds ripen from July to October. The plant is self-fertile. Linaria cymbalaria (L.) Mill. More likely, it would establish itself in the most favorable pockets, and would leave you with the rest of the space to fill with other plants.
Webb: Sie kommt in Italien und in Kroatien vor. Aufgrund der Gestalt der Blüten wurde das Zimbelkraut lange zu den Braunwurzgewächsen (Rachenblütler, Scrophulariaceae) gezählt.
Frøene spres med maur, dvs. Arten er europeisk og mediterran og kom først inn med ballastjor siden som hageplante brukt i murer og bergsprekker, og dette er hoved-naturtypene også for forvillete planter. Physical Characteristics.
It makes a nice matt of leaves and blooms most of the summer. In mid-June it produces the most flowers to make a nice display. Hardy to zonethis frost-tolerant plant has a widespread distribution in North America.
De stengel is paars en oude bladeren verkleuren naar rood. Murtorskemunn er en innført prydplante i maskeblomstfamilien som nå er naturalisert mange steder langs kysten. Plantene vokser i bergsprekker og murer og har karakteristiske blåfiolette maskeblomster. Beschrijving (Klik op een afbeelding om te vergroten).
Muralis betekent op of bij muren groeiend. Distinguished by: Halerpestes cymbalaria is an herb whose leaves are similar in size and shape to C. This perennial herb is well-established on old walls and bridges, pavements, and in other well-drained rocky. World Distribution.
Synonymy: Antirrhinum cymbalaria L. Dicotyledonous Herbs other than Composites. NBN Atlas for this species. De plant heeft zijn verspreidingsgebied in de afgelopen eeuwen uitgebreid met grote delen van West-en Midden-Europa. Muralioside was shown to be 7β-hydroxy-harpagide by spectroscopic means and probably arises from the opening of the epoxide ring of antirrhinoside.
Stem lax, rooting from nodes, glabrous, often reddish. Learn how to grow C. This text can be changed from the Miscellaneous section of the settings page.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, cras ut imperdiet augue. Ivy-leaved toadflax. AT State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to form a strategic partnership called N. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 1counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.

For vascular plants occurring in wildlands or otherwise outside of cultivation in California, the Jepson eFlora contains taxonomic treatments, distribution maps, illustrations, photographs, and identification keys. Consumer Information.
Primera página de la especie Inicio del sitio (Home) 1. Origen y distribución 3. Identificación y descripción 4. Biología y ecología. Impacto e importancia 7. Ci sono fiori così piccoli che crescono sospesi in minuscoli. L’etimologia di “ cymbalaria muralis” deriva dal greco “Kymbalon”.

Me he alt te hagen. It spreads quickly, growing up to 5cm tall—it commonly grows in rock and wall crevices, and along footpaths. Common Name – Kenilworth ivy. Cultural Information.
A large form of this creeping species, with larger leaves and beautiful sky-blue snapdragon-like. Questa piantina ornamentale, ideale per tappezzare i muri e facile da coltivare anche in vaso, presenta un apparato radicale poco sviluppato in quanto allo stato rustico cresce nelle fessure di muri o negli anfratti.