Deck of cards workout

Deck of cards workout

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Need more exercise ideas? Tips for a Great DECK OF CARDS WORKOUT 1. Don’t try to get through the entire deck on your first try While it might be tempting to do all cards on your. Try it with more exercises If you are worried that you are going to get bored with just exercises, then try adding.

Decide your workout focus. Do you want to strengthen your back for those pull-ups? Assign an exercise for each suit. Yes, you read that correctly, a deck of cards.

A deck of cards might not be something you think should be in your gym bag, but after checking out this workout you will think twice about that. You are going to go through the entire deck of cards in card intervals. The total workout will consist of rounds. Each suit on each card.

Deck of Cards Crossfit Workout Guidelines. Complete the deck of cards as quickly as possible with good form.

Deck of cards workout

The deck of cards workout is a simple, efficient workout routine that can be adapted to any fitness level and and any setting. If you draw a suit, you perform the designated exercise for the number of.

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You look at the card and that card tells you the movement and the reps. After you have finished this movement and reps you draw another card. Surprises all the way through the cards. There are a few reasons why we chose this workout.

First, it was easy. All I had to do was pick out movements and get a deck of. To design your own version of the workout, select five movements that correspond to each of the four suits (Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades) plus Jokers in a standard 52-card deck of playing cards.

Jokers are typically a longer movement or higher-rep movement. All you need is a deck of cards and some good old fashioned determination!

Once they are shuffle flip a card and then perform the predetermined push-up amount. The card numbers correlate with the amount of repetitions to be performed.

Deck of cards workout

In this workout, each card in the deck becomes an exercise. After you draw each card, perform the assigned exercise before moving on to the next one. Shuffle the deck, and draw one at a time.

How does this work? Students will need to see if they have a deck of regular playing cards, if a student does not have a deck of regular playing cards. The next card determines your fate.

This handy app drives you to exercise wherever you may be. I modified this original deck of cards workout. I don’t like to waste time and doing two push-ups four times in every deck made me feel like I was wasting time.

What I ended up doing was any time I got a 2-card I flipped over the next card and added them together and then performed that number of push-ups. Any face card is worth push-ups, an ace 2 and a joker 50. Repeat until you have gone through the deck. In Ray’s NFL days, he went through three decks of cards for each exercise.

That is a shit ton of push-ups! In a deck of cards workout, each suit corresponds to a different exercise. The number on the cards tells you how many reps to do.

You’ll do three reps of each exercise, finishing the final rep with a 30-second hold. You assign one exercise (e.g. push ups, sit ups, lunges, etc.) to each suit. Then you shuffle a deck and flip over one card at a time, doing the number of reps that are on the card until there are none left. This is a free tool to use if you don’t have a deck of cards around.

Keep your workouts intense, interesting and unpredictable by using a deck of playing cards to structure your workout. Perform the number of reps of each exercise. Exercises are mapped to each suit.

View DECK OF CARDS. KINS 2at Pacific Lutheran University.