Zoek Game Of Thrones. He fondles his sister under the pretext of examining how she has grown. Daenerys leads the remnants of her khalasar across the Red Waste, hoping to find shelter in the far lands of the east. Viserys tells Daenerys that she has no choice.

She tries to feed her newborn dragons, but they refuse the raw meat she offers. She regards the dragons as her sons. The mare Drogo gave her as a wedding gift dies of exhaustion and Daenerys decides to send her three bloodriders, Rakharo, Aggo and Kovarro, with their remaining horses to explore in three separate directions, knowing that they are her last hope.
See full list on gameofthrones. Daenerys was polite and well-spoken, but filled with quiet determination. She was also somewhat naive of the world at that point, due to being young and living her life as an exile (with only her petulant brother to rely on for knowledge), but her time amongst the Dothrakitaught her pride, confidence, and the skills of command.
At the same time, her own intelligence began to manifest, and she was quick to understand that she was now free to pursue her own path. The earlier Daenerys wed into House Martell as part of the marriage-alliance, earning her the moniker " Daenerys of Sunspear", which at last united Dorne with the rest of the realm. Daenerys is the second member of the Targaryen dynasty to bear her name.

Since Daenerys of Sunspear did not rule as a queen regnant, Daenerys Stormborn is not called " Daenerys II". Drogo himself grew to love and respect Daenerys as his khaleesi, which led to them conceiving a chil Rhaego. Daenerys smothered Drogo out of pity and cremated him on a funeral pyre. Daario Naharis: a lieutenant in the Second Sons sellsword company who became smitten with Daenerys and killed his superiors when they advocated assassinating Daenerys for the Mast.
Her mother died giving birth to her, and a great storm raged at the moment of her birth, destroying what was left of the Targaryen fleet anchored at Dragonstone, giving rise to the nickname "Stormborn". The showrunners truncated the Targaryen family line in order to simplify her relationship to Aemon Targaryen.
They accomplished this by eliminating the reign of Jaehaerys II and making Aerys II Targaryen the son of Aegon V Targaryeninstead of his grandson. Martin, and the television adaptation Game of Thrones, in which English actress Emilia Clarke portrays her. Daenerys Targaryen had one of the most gripping arcs in Game of Thrones, and she took a lot of lives during her journey in the HBO series. Ihr Vater starb während der Plünderung von Königsmun noch bevor sie geboren wurde.
Targaryen, dem Irren König, und seiner Schwester-Gemahlin Rhaella. Der Usurpator Robert Baratheonbestieg nach der erfolgreichen Rebellion gegen das Haus Targaryen als neuer König den Eisernen Thron.
Daenerys zweifelt an den Absichten ihres großzügigen Gastgebers, Illyrio Mopatis, der sie ohne eine Gegenleistung bei sich aufgenommen hat. Mann starke Armee des Khals erhalten, die es ihm ermöglichen soll, Westeroszu erobern.
Daenerys reist mit ihrem nun kleinen Khalasar durch die Rote Wüste, um den neuen Khals auszuweichen, die nach Drogos Tod sein Khalasar unter sich aufgeteilt haben. Doch die Hitze macht alle schwach und sie müssen rasten. Sie schickt ihre drei Blutreiter in unterschiedliche Richtungen aus, um Zivilisation zu finden. Einer von ihnen kehrt ohne Erfolg zurück, von Rakharo wird nur der Kopf zurückgeschickt, da den anderen Khalasars die Idee einer Frau als Haupt einer Kriegerschar nicht gefällt.
Während der Ehe mit Khal Drogo lernt sie allerdings, ihre Unsicherheit abzulegen, was später auch Drogo beeindruckt, nachdem sie von ihrem Bruder wie Vieh behandelt worden ist. Jedoch ist ihr neu gewonnenes Selbstbewusstsein nicht immer positiv. Oftmals handelt sie temperamentvoll und teils unüberlegt.
Die Auswirkungen sind beispielsweise zu sehen, als sie in Meereen den Sklaven Mossador öffentlich exekutieren lässt, was ihre Berater nicht gutheißen. Auch Tyrion erkennt später – mittlerweile als Hand von Daenerys – ihre impulsive Art, was er auch gegenüber seiner Schwester Cersei im Zuge der Verhandlungen in der Drachengrube in Königsmund entschuldigend zum Ausdruck bringt.
Sie ist jedoch normalerweise ihren loyalen Begleitern gegenüber sehr gerecht, was ihr auch die Sympathien unter anderem von. Now, after more than a decade of basically staying mum on that doomed pilot and the role of Daenerys — which later went to Emilia Clarke — the original Mother of Dragons is speaking out. She is the youngest child of King Aerys II Targaryen and his sister-wife, Queen Rhaella.

She is one of the major POV characters in A Song of Ice and Fire. The intricately-braided platinum blonde hair of Daenerys Targaryen will probably go down as one of the most iconic looks in Game of Thrones history. Heck, people still dressed up as the character.
Targaryen incest is common on Game of Thrones, but it has consequences. We all remember how Daenerys Targaryen saved Meereen from the hands of the masters and gave them their free life.
The end of Game Of Thrones season was a frame with people of Meereen holding. A Song of Ice and Fire, the basis for Game of Thrones, still has two books to go, which means that the story of Daenerys could be quite different. SeasonEpisode 4. All Daenerys and Dragon Kills is where we show all the kills from Daenerys and her dragons. I decided to combine these because they are pretty one and the sa.
Martin, der den første boken har tittelen A Game of Thrones. Serien er produsert av blant annet det amerikanske kabelkanalselskapet HBO, der første sesong hadde premiere 17.