Gratis frakt fra 6kr. Jetzt neu oder gebraucht kaufen. Padsene brukes for å stimulere spesifikke kroppsområder, som for eksempel knær, skuldre, rygg eller armer.
Denne type behandling kalles TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) og er en anerkjent metode for å lindre smerte. Select Your Cookie Preferences We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. Muskulaturen strammes opp og slapper av om hverandre og blodet pumpes ned i føttene slik at blodsirkulasjonen forbedres.
Du kan bruke sirkulasjonstreneren mens du sitter i godstolen, leser aviser eller slapper av foran TV-en. Alle rettigheter reservert. Den kommer med fire pads som kan brukes til behandling av andre muskelgrupper. Etter å ha brukt den i minutter vil leggene ha vært gjennom en fin treningsøkt.

Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Ships from and sold by Amazon. Sold by OudysCare and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. The Thigh Pads cannot be used at the same time as the foot- pads.
Using the Thigh Pads will automatically turn the foot- pads off. Schau Dir Angebote von L-pads auf eBay an. Ervoor zorgt dat de spieren zich op natuurlijke wijze zacht aanspannen, waarmee de pijn wort behandeld.
Ze kunnen gebruikt worden voor knieën, schouders, rug of armen. Die Pads ermöglichen die gezielte Behandlung spezifischer Körperregionen wie unterer und oberer Rücken. Do not share Body Pads with other users.

Electrode Body Pads are for single person use only. Carefully place the Gel pad (sticky side down)on to the grey electrode-area, on the device Repeat with the second device. If the gel pads start to loose their adhesiveness, rub a drop of water into the surface and allow to dry. You can place the EMS body pads anywhere you are feeling aches and pains and would like to have spot treatment.
This will prolong their life. However, we advise that you do NOT place the EMS body pads on your face, neck, hea chest or back of the neck areas.
Do NOT use the body pads on your hea face, neck or chest. Page Select the area you wish to apply electrical stimulation. Kostenloser Versand verfügbar. Always read the label.
If you are uncertain about the cause of your symptoms or your symptoms persist, please consult your Doctor. Use only as directed. Features of REVITIVE ProHealth circulation booster.
Intensity level settings from 1-50. Helps to maintain leg vein health. Reduces swollen feet and ankles. Increase muscle strength to help regain mobility.
The only program available in manual mode is the Body Pad EMS Program. If you wish to use TENS please download the App. Shop Online for REVITIVE REV- PADS REVITIVE T. S Pads and more at The Good Guys. Durchblutungs-Stimulatoren.
Vorübergehend ausverkauft. All you gotta do is hit the lowest intensity first and take the pads to the areas where it’s aching, while gradually increasing the pressure. Revitive Elektroden-Pads.
Replace the electrode pads onto their plastic liner after use. It’s easy to use especially with the included remote control with which you can choose from intensity levels, set a timer and turn the circulation booster on or off. Complete with foot to pads help improve circulation around your legs and ankles. But you can continue to do the things you love with the help of REVITIVE dual action arthritis knee pain reliever.
These pads allow you to target other muscles on other parts of your body. So as you give your feet an electrical massage, you can also use the pads on your thighs, arms, back or neck. Theare almost immediate. Watch now how to do this.
Buy REVITIVE Advanced Circulation Booster. Collect Advantage Card Points for every Pound you spend. Den har används för behandling av bl. Enkel, effektiv och läkemedelsfri terapi till dina ben.

Skal ikke brukes av personer med pacemaker.